Before: This young man was playing and slipped and fell, hitting his tooth on the pavement.
After: A bonding was performed to repair the broken tooth using a tooth colored filling material. Matching the shade and shape to the existing tooth is a crucial step to make the filling material indistinguishable from the natural enamel. The patient left the office chip-free and very happy!
Before: This 14 year old young lady had gum tissue that was overgrown over her teeth after removal of her braces. The teeth were straight, but not visible due to the excessive gum tissue.
After: A gingivectomy is a laser procedure to reshape the gum tissue. The excess gum tissue was removed and the gum lines were contoured back to their natural level. Dr. Mann can do this with NO numbing, using just super topical gel and her laser!
Before: A six year old came into our office with a cavity in her permanent molar.
During: Dr. Mann used a laser to clean out the cavity with NO numbing. Teeth cells are partly made of water and cavities have even more water than healthy teeth cells. The laser searches for the water in the tooth and explodes the water molecules, cleaning out the cavity in the process. Since the laser is working on a microscopic level, it is not felt by the patient and is completely comfortable.
After: A tooth colored filling material was used to fill in the hole left by the cavity. The tooth is restored back to health!
Before: This young toddler had extensively decayed front teeth. The damage the tooth decay had done to the teeth could not be fixed with fillings. Cosmetic crowns were placed on all four front baby teeth to safeguard the teeth from further decay.
After: The decay was removed and the new crowns match the shade of the patient’s teeth precisely to give a very natural look. The teeth look as good as new!
Before: The patient had an underdeveloped permanent front tooth. He felt that the tooth was small in size and detracted from his smile.
After: A tooth colored composite crown was bonded to the tooth to build up its size to match the rest of the surrounding teeth. This resulted in an aesthetically pleasing appearance. He could not stop smiling!
Before: This six year old girl came into the office with a brand new set of first permanent molars. The chewing surfaces of the permanent molars have deep grooves that can make this surface very susceptible to decay. To protect these teeth, a type of plastic coating called a sealant, can be placed on grooves of the molars.
After: Dr. Mann uses her laser as an extra step before placing sealants. It sterilizes the tooth from plaque bacteria and makes the sealant more retentive on the microscopic level. The patient’s molars were sealed, and the thin and invisible shield will now go to work in order to protect the tooth from decay!